Choose a Clock for a Timely Memorial

post clock in front of modern building with sidewalk trees and blue sky, people milling around
Lumichron Post Clock at the entrance of Mission Hall on the campus of University of California San Francisco

Choose a clock to pay tribute 

A post clock, tower clock, or impressive outdoor wall clock can be a memorable memorial to a founder, donor, or loved one.  A custom dial can feature a name or group, a cast bronze plaque is also a nice addition to a memorial clock.  The memorial gift pictured here is in memory of Margery Saunders Hellmann.  She was the daughter of UCSF’s first chancellor, John B. de C.M. Saunders, and his wife, Alison B. Maxwell-Wood Saunders.  Her son Jack Hellmann wanted a tribute to his family’s outstanding contribution to UCSF that began some eight decades ago and continues today.  The modern post clock graces the courtyard of Mission Hall at UC San Francisco.  Mission Hall is the Global Health & Clinical Sciences Building on the Mission Bay campus.


UCSF Mission Hall features a Swiss Railways style Post Clock

UCSF, Saunders exterior outdoor clock with custom clock dial, custom clock face

A Campus Landmark and an enduring reminder

Saunders Clock was created in loving memory of my wonderful mother, Margery Saunders Hellmann,” said Jack Hellmann. “She and my grandparents would be deeply gratified that we have joined the past and future of UCSF in this symbolic way. It also, establishes what we hope will become a campus landmark for future generations of UCSF faculty, students, and friends.”

This post clock is a replica of the famous SBB, or Swiss Railways, Clock.   It is characterized by clear, functional and highly crafted graphics, and features a highly crafted case and state-of-the-art clockworks.  Moser-Baer is the world license holder and manufacturer of Swiss Railways clocks. With over 75 years of experience MobaTIME has perfected the art of keeping time. Lumichron is proud to be the US distributer of MobaTIME components made by Moser Baer, SA.

LUMICHRON Clock Company is proud to have worked with Cupertino Electric and WRNS Studio Architects to bring this vision to life.

Where is a good place for a Lumichron clock?

Anywhere you want to add a landmark, create a memorial,  make a focal point, or tell the time!

Here are some places to feature a Lumichron clock - click to see some recent examples we have built!




Distributor of: Mobatime