DeKalb Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock

A Work of Art from 1921

The head of a 4-faced post clock, made by E Howard 100 years ago.  The clock appears to be completely original. Cast Iron with Porcelain glaze finish and gold hand painted details.  DeKalb Rotary to refurbish.
City of DeKalb, Illinois, WWI Veteran’s Tribute Clock. Manufactued in 1921 by the E Howard clock company of Boston,MA.

DeKalb Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock. This is a WW1 Veteran’s Tribute Clock in Dekalb, Illinois.

Centennial for the WW1 Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock

The DeKalb Soldiers and Sailors Memorial clock is celebrating its centennial year in 2021. Since the 4-face clock has not been keeping time for many years, it is to be restored. DeKalb Rotary Club is initiating a project to bring the workings of the clock to modern specifications. The exterior of clock will remain the same.

Raising Funds for Clockworks

With the help of the community this landmark will be keeping accurate time once again. Fundraising has begun and donations are being accepted through the DeKalb County Community Foundation. Click here to donate or for more information.

DeKalb Rotary - This is a 4-way elaborate Street Clock in the city of DeKalb Illinois.  Made 100 years ago. 2021 is the centennial for the Soldiers and Sailors WWI Veterans Tribute -Memorial Clock
The clock is in remarkably good condition with very little rust after 100 years of exposure. Fabricated of Cast Iron with a Porcelain Glaze Finish and Gold details.

E. Howard & Co. Clockmakers

This interesting post clock was originally manufactured by the E Howard Company.

We consulted with historic clock aficiniados as well as the Tower and Street Clock Chapter of the NAWCC (National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors) to find out more about this clock, and to see if there were others like it around the US. We have certainly never seen such a unique clock.

One-of-a-Kind Historic Clock

No one knows of anything resembling it elsewhere.  The clock dials (faces), hour and minute hands, and clockworks were replaced years ago. Other than that, the clock appears to be completely original. It is in remarkably good condition with very little rust after 100 years of exposure.

Fabricated of Cast Iron with a Porcelain Glaze Finish

This is a Street Clock in the snow, in the city of DeKalb Illinois.  2021 is the centennial for the Soldiers and Sailors WWI Veterans Tribute -Memorial Clock
Photo from the DeKalb Rotary, an organization raising funds to return the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial clock to working order

The entire structure is cast iron with a porcelain glaze finish with gold painted highlights.  In 1921, the town of DeKalb Illinois dedicated the clock to World War I Veterans.  In 2005, the City of DeKalb commissioned new dials and clockworks. The original glass dials (clock faces) and mechanical movement (clockworks) were moved into storage for safekeeping. 

We’re hoping it may be possible to find the original build information in the E Howard record books at the NAWCC Museum.

LUMICHRON Clock Parts and Restoration

LUMICHRON provides replacement clockworks, to get your tribute clock ticking on time again. Also available is complete restoration with new clock dials, hour and minute hands, LED illumination, and crystals.

LUMICHRON Post and Street Clocks

LUMICHRON also builds new post and street clocks. Included in available models is an E Howard. Named after the orignal company that designed post clocks for Main Street America 100 years ago.

DeKalb Rotary - This is a Street Clock in the snow, in the city of DeKalb Illinois.  2021 is the centennial for the Soldiers and Sailors WWI Veterans Tribute -Memorial Clock
The City of DeKalb Rotary Club is collecting donations for new clockworks, so that the clock keeps time correctly. Go to this link fo more information:


Where is a good place for a Lumichron clock?

Anywhere you want to add a landmark, create a memorial,  make a focal point, or tell the time!

Here are some places to feature a Lumichron clock - click to see some recent examples we have built!




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