Daylight Savings Time

Does Daylight Saving Time do more harm than good? A panel of experts (including economists and a sleep-disorder expert) discuss the issue in the New York Times. The United States and several other countries have changed time an hour ahead in the spring and an hour back in the fall for hundreds of years, for supposed energy savings and the public’s safety. You can read and join the debates here  A poetic as well as true perspective is that of Karen Thompson Walker, author of the novel “The Age of Miracles“, who reminds us “we are always circling a star.” Just as in the days before Galileo, we see the world exclusively from our own perspective as seen in how we commodify daylight, and refer to the sun “rising” and “setting”, when in fact, it is we who are in perpetual motion.

Lumichron clocks are in perpetual synchronicity with the correct time wherever you are. Our automatic controllers with lithium battery backup memory reset the clock hands to the current time, for daylight saving time, or whenever there is a power interruption. Hands-free for you is peace of mind for those travelers, residents, students, and passers-by who rely on your clock for the correct time as they go about their day.

You can rely on Lumichron clocks all the time.

Where is a good place for a Lumichron clock?

Anywhere you want to add a landmark, create a memorial,  make a focal point, or tell the time!

Here are some places to feature a Lumichron clock - click to see some recent examples we have built!



Distributor of: Mobatime